please grade my speaking- part 2, a historic building.

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please grade my speaking- part 2, a historic building.

Post by allen_zhang »

It sounds so weird...
I memorized it ..
please comments!
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#1 2013-09-07 L7.5; R8; S6; W6
#2 2014-03-08 L7.5; R7; S7; W5.5
#3 2014-05-10 L7.5; R8; S6.5; W6
#4 2014-06-21 L7.5; R6.5; S5.5; W7
#4 2014-06-21 L7.5; R6.5; S7; W5.5
IELTS Instructor
IELTS Instructor
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Re: please grade my speaking- part 2, a historic building.

Post by lmoore »

This sounds like a really cool place to visit! I can’t believe you climbed to the top of the pagoda with a bamboo pole. . .So dangerous!
You had a nice introduction, using, “I’m going to talk about. . .” There were not many, if any, transitions between the talking points in your speech. This made it somewhat difficult to be sure you addressed all the speaking points. Transitions and linking phrases connect ideas for the listener. Try, “for example,” “first,” “in addition,” “finally,” etc. Your speech ended abruptly with no conclusion as well.
Pronunciation was good for the most part. You said “often,” but you said it with a long “o” sound, like in “open.” However, “often” has a short “o” sound at the beginning of the word, like in “opportunity.” Additionally, there was a word in this sentence that sounded like “monitor” to me, but that didn’t make much sense, and I couldn’t understand what the word was: “Originally, this pagoda belonged to a ?, but all years the other parts of this pagoda has gone, and the only thing left is this pagoda.”
Your speaking speed was slow, and it sounded like you’re reading for much of the first part of the speech. It did not sound very conversational, which is what the speaking interview is. Furthermore, you used “you know” too often. It’s fine as a filler every once in a while, but you used it too often for this speech.
I heard some good vocabulary words like, “hollow,” “pole,” and “immensely.”
Here are some notes on sentence structure and grammar:
-two or three kilometer – two or three KILOMETERS
-in Qing Dynasty – in THE Qing Dynasty
- Originally, this pagoda belonged to a ? but all years the other parts of this pagoda has gone, and the only thing left is this pagoda – Originally, this pagoda belonged to a ??, but over the years, the other parts of this pagoda have fallen into ruins/been destroyed/fallen. The only thing left is this pagoda.
-I would remember I try to climb it quite a few times. – I remember I tried to climb it quite a few times.
-a spectacular view about our town – a spectacular view OF our town
Best wishes as you continue to practice!
Posts: 362
Joined: Tue Feb 25, 2014 2:41 am

Re: please grade my speaking- part 2, a historic building.

Post by allen_zhang »

Thank you Imoore,
I just noticed that you reviewed my speaking samples! Thank you.
I posted several samples several months ago and Ryan commented on one of them. After that, I got my dreaming 7 on speaking.
Unfortunately, I just got 6.5 on the latest attempted.

However, The biggest challenge for me is writing. My highest score was 6 only. That's why I haven't check the reading section of this forum lately.

I will spend some time to read your comment and try to improve my speaking!

Highly appreciate!
#1 2013-09-07 L7.5; R8; S6; W6
#2 2014-03-08 L7.5; R7; S7; W5.5
#3 2014-05-10 L7.5; R8; S6.5; W6
#4 2014-06-21 L7.5; R6.5; S5.5; W7
#4 2014-06-21 L7.5; R6.5; S7; W5.5
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